Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Meeting the Principal

We had our second meeting in which we thought of talking to the Principal of our school if he would let us use the school gym for the fundraiser. When we talked to him he also liked the idea and encouraged us to continue on but asked how it would benefit the school. (proceed to Our Ripples to see what we came up with)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Getting Support

On our first meeting we discussed the whole idea of the dessert auction and dinner and getting the desserts. We found out we would probably need a letter of authentication to show the dessert donars our purpose and that we were not just going to steal their money. We then decided on writing a letter to a teacher for a meeting the next day.before we talked to him we conversed on how we should approach the schedule. In the meeting we told him our plans and asked him for an letter of authentication. He liked our idea but asked him to ask him closer to the date of the dinner. We will! J