Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Brain Storming

It is a beautiful day, spring is almost here and I cant wait. Recently, we had a meeting with Jannelle Stephanie and I in which it contained several topics such as: fundraiser ideas, benefits to the school, locations, what we will learn and created a VIP list. For fundraiser ideas we came up with several like car washes or bike sales.Then we came up with a long list of ideas in which the school would benefit from our fundraiser that we would like to present to the Principal. One of them was it will create a sense of community. Then we crated plan B’s if the location of the school doesn’t work out. After a very big list of skills we will learn from this experience of planning. Finally we created a V.I.P. list for people like the Principal etc. wow, what a day that was.
Coming to the end of the meeting we told my friends about the blog we created and asked them to be authors. Accepting with glee, they gushed out with encouragement for the future.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

First Blog

:) Hi welcome to this amazing blog which happens to be mine!!!!!
i hope you enjoy viewing my adventure to Mexico. The process will be long and the work hard but i know even before i go it is totally worth it. Most teenagers want a car or cellphone for their birthday but i want more than any thing in the world to change it. i look forward to this journey, changing the world one step at a time. ;-)



P.S. Today, my mom came up with the idea of a blog. We nailed the idea and created what you see right now! I couldn’t wait to show my friends!!