Saturday, January 28, 2012

Bring your wallets and an empty stomach!

I have a whole bunch of donations I have received and I will relate the experience in a few sentences for each one.

Firstly, Janelle had made contact with Crave Cookies and Cupcakes. The result of this connection was meeting a lovely enthusiastic owner who offered to us a couple dozen mini cupcakes. Although she said that, I heard a couple hundred mini cupcakes!

I waited until we got outside to say anything. I started to scream! Janelle and Stephanie were also excited but when I mentioned a couple hundred they stared at me blankly and then burst our laughing. That is what friends are for: giving you a reality check some times.

About a month later, on another trip, our friend was kind enough to drive us around the west Edmonton area in search of bakeries. When we entered one place called Cake Couture we literally stopped and gawked. Around us towered masterpieces of icing, flowers and cream. Their decorating was superb. We spoke to the manager, and without hesitation she wrote us a gift certificate for $45, which equals 12 decorated cupcakes!

Whoever buys those is going to be a happy camper!

Key to life: make friends.

Not only is it proven for emotional well being but it also provides lots of help for connections.

My mom has her own business. In doing so she has a business coach who befriended me, and who I believe is a superb person to know. I made a list of people in whom I was comfortable in calling for donations and desserts. In seeing her name I felt confident about the call. Being the owner of The Junction, she asked if she could provide two vegetable trays. Hearing her say that made my day blossom into light.

Another one of my mom's friends happens to be one of the most selfless people I know. In a conversation we had a few weeks ago, she offered to drop off a letter at a baker in her neighbourhood.

Not thinking very much of it I agreed and handed her a letter. A few days later I opened my e-mail and stopped in my tracks. There was an e-mail that confused me. It was from a location I had never been to: Dutch Delicious Bakery. Opening the e-mail I realized one more time that my mom's friend is the most amazing person in the world because it read, "We would love to support your event by donating two boxes of desserts."

So as a sum of these marvelous explorations, I would just like to say thank you to all of you out there reading this and to those who have helped to change my life to make a better world.

Bring your wallets and an empty stomach!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Founder of Hope: Dream Sustainer

Good Morning, Good Morning. Or in some cases, Good Night!

So, do you remember Rev. Christopher New? That is the one, yup he gave us a location FREE of charge. God bless his soul.

We have maintained contact, through e-mail. Recenlty I requested another tour of the church now that we are deeper into the planning of our event. It astonishes me how every time I enter their place of worship the vibe that he leaves in his footsteps is always excitement for the future. When walking into the space we requested to use, an overall overwhelming sense of peace came over me. It seemd like a much needed wash away of stress. Somehow I knew that everythignw as just going to piece together.

The main reason we went was to insure the answers to our questions. Sometimes he seemed startled at how many questions we had. In confirmation to that feeling I had, he reassured all that we needed would be provided.

In a drain of all questions, I came up with one last one. I promptly asked it, "Would you like to come to our event?"

He sort of gawfled for a second and hesitated with a smile on his lips. He remarked, "I would love to come!"

Christopher is a founder of creating hope and a dream sustainer.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Completely off guard...I stood there...

Hola Amigos,

Things are going great! There has been a lot of stress and tribulation but I have born through it and have to remind myself of the goal constantly. Recently my mom and I went to Whyte ave to hit some dessert places and restaurants. My mom had recommended one place, and I had recommended another. First we decided to go to High Level Diner.

Highlevel Diner
10912 – 88 Avenue
780-433-0993 or 780-433-1317.
When I entered the doors, the atmosphere was a cozy cavern of love. I caught the manager just tin time, before she left. I gave my proposal. She politely listened. Then when I was done, she agreed with enthusiasm to give us a gift certificate for $30! She went into the back, and as I bubbled in excitement, one of the waiters who had overheard gave me a quick gleeming smile and a thumbs up!

The Sugar Bowl
10922 - 88 Ave

Our trip took us to Sugar Bowl. When I entered this place of establishment the mood was caotically vibrant. It was filled with life and energy. Funny thing, I actually did not know what to do when I got in the restaurant. I had never been in a restaurant where the bar is the first thing that I saw. So I walked to one of the waiters, who promptly asked a few questions and promptly returned with the manager.

Midway into my introduction, the manager walked away.

Absolutely startled, compelled and unaware of what to I just stood there.

She returned with a $30 gift certificate and said, "You need an envelope!"

Completely off guard and barely understanding what had just happened, I stood there, again. The second time she returned with an envelope, I managed to stutter, Thanks so very much. Some how, I don't know how, I walked out of there without falling on my face.

One endevour two donations. Lots of love, and definately a lot more hope.

(For prosperity sake let the record show it takes numerous amounts of times, perservering through multiple "No's" to overall receive two donations. In actuality we went to around 20 establishments for three or four hours and received two donations. That is why it makes a world of difference.)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

You WILL be fed!

Fellow Readers,

I bring you glad tidings of great joy: you will be fed.

Knowing from personal experience how grumpy people can be when they are hungry another donation we have been trying to receive some Mexican food for our event.

Edmonton - Heritage
10939-23rd Avenue
(780) 415-5551
M&M Website
One day I decided to do the area of Century Park and stopped off at M&M Meat Shoppe. The manager was not is, so I left her a letter. Through the process of following up, we e-mailed back and forth until it was arranged.

I went in today, giddy inside because I knew what was about to come to pass. I firmly shook the manager's hand. Tracy looked me in the eye, and said, "You may have anything you want. Tell me what I can get you?"

I responded with criterion for food for my event. She proposed Jalapeneo Peppers filled with cheese and then breaded. She approached another concern and asked how many I wanted. I told her as many as she wanted to give me. I walked out of the store to meet my mom, eyes gleeming with four bags of Jalapeneo Peppers.

I don't think I would have evern understood until now how many beautiful souls there are in the worl. You opened my eyes.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Putting our need into action

Hello People of the world! 
Terwillegar Heights Towne Square
14032 23rd Avenue
(780) 434-7676
As we have been planning for our event, we discovered the need for tickets. Knowing that we were on a budget of zero dollars we decided to ask for 150 numbered and perforated tickets from UPS. 

Along with this request came work. We researched and found out:
  • the estimated cost,
  • the number,
  • the requirements,
  • whether we needed a designer or not.
With having this research in mind, we contacted the location, received the store managers name and put together a targeted letter.

Putting our need into action I contacted the manager who greeted me warmly and provided reassurance but no final answer. 

Today we received an e-mail saying they supported us in our endeavor, they said yes, and asked us to keep them updated.

This has taken a great load off our back and increased our overall hope for the success of our event. Thanks Anita!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Success is ours

Hi guys,

Good News! Today I had a brilliant conversation with a man from Calder Publishing, who has power over a community newspaper. I bravely proposed my event and the object of it. Without contradiction or any questions he affirmed my hopes and continued on to say, "Yes" by asking for a version of our ad to print. This ad will be distributed to more than 6000 homes, hopefully it will reach the hearts of many.
Deep Sigh.

Thank you all powerful community newspaper publisher. Success is ours.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Trash Bags are for Trash

Sorry its been so long since the last update! Ive been so busy preparing for the event! But a while ago, I was reading chicken soup for the soul, and I found this story. It really inspired me and I hope it does the same for you! I know our dream will come true with hard work.

Trash Bags are for Trash
 By: Mackenzie Snyder

"I walked through the den on my way to get ready for bed and looked once again at the amazing amount of duffel bags. Each bag had a stuffed animal, a luggage tag and a note from me inside of it. The piles of bags went from floor to ceiling, more than five thousand bags, enough for each and every faster kid in three states. My dream was coming true – big time!
After I went to bed, right before I went to sleep, I closed my eyes and thought back to when it all started… when I got the idea for my dream….

I had been in second grade when I went with my two brothers and parents to Paris, France. My brothers, Brock and Cory, and I had entered an essay contest about what we were going to do to make the world a better place to live. We won and were chosen as three of ten kids who would represent the united states at the children's world summit. Nine hundred kids from around the world were chosen to meet with each other and talk about world issues. We exchanged ideas on solving the problems in our world today and had lots of fun during the days we were together.

While I was their, I meet to foster kids. They were two boys, and after getting to know them, I learned a lot about what foster kids go through. They told me that when kids go into the foster care system, they don’t just loose their parents and their home, sometimes they are also separated from their brothers and sisters. Not every foster home wants to care for an entire family of kids. Foster care kids also loose most of their toys and clothes. Thy told me that when the kids are picked up from their home by a social worker, they are given only trash bag to put their few belongings into. This trash bag is what foster care kids carry with them when they are moved from home to home.
I felt really sad, when I heard this I couldn't even imagine what life would be like without my family and home- much less what it would be like to live out of a trash bag. Trash bags are for trash not for kids to carry their belongings in.

After I came home from France, I saw an after school movie that was about a girl living in foster care. It was like what the boys had described to me at the children's world summit, and it made me cry. Right then I decided I wanted to help foster care kids. These kids needed my help, because they were not being respected like they should be.

My whole family is into volunteering. Brock and Cory had started a project after they saw a show on television about some kids who died in a fire. The kids had died because the fire department didn’t have this special camera that can see through smoke to find people in a burning house. My brothers began Project Rescue Vision in 1996 to raise needed money for our towns fire department. Of course, I helped too. I was only four years old, and I was the "President of the Art Department". My job was to hand colour all of the information envelopes that were given out. I helped them until I was seven. Then I began my own project for the foster-care kids.

I started by asking my mom to stop at garage sales when I saw suit cases or duffel bags for sale. I would tell the person who was having the garage sale what I wanted to do with the bags, and most of the time they gave me the bags for free. I tried to put myself into the mind of a foster kid, and I decided that the kids should have a stuffed animal in the bag, too. I figured that if I was in that situation I would want a cuddly friend to hug when I was sad and felt lonely for my parents. People often gave these to me for free, too.

In October 1998, I helped organize a luggage drive during our local "Make a Difference Day". Some congress people and senators showed up to give their support, and I came up with this idea for everyone to get their hand painted and then put their hand print on this big banner to show that they had made a difference that day. I got all these kids to help paint people’s hands. It was really fun to watch these important people have their hands painted.

The senators and congress people went back to Washington and told other people about my project, and then a company named Freddy Mac set up a grant for me and donated $15, 000. I am the youngest person they have ever donated money to. Because of this grant, I had a story about my project and me on the cover of Washington Post. Then the most amazing thing happened. President and Mrs. Clinton read about me and wanted to meet me. I was really excited! They were so nice, and I gave the president one of my bags with a Bennie baby in it to give to any foster kid that he might meet. A few days later, he sent some bags to me from his own collection to give to foster kids, so I did.

My project really started growing because of all of the media attention. Radio stations called me for interviews about what I was doing and some TV shows had me on, More people then heard about me from the TV and radio interviews and from word-of-mouth, and they called me to offer help.
Every week I called my friends and family to see of they wanted to come and put together bags. I always had help from many people. My class even helped too. My teacher announced to the class what I was doing and everybody started bringing stuffed animals and duffel bags to school. One of my friends brought in ten big bags full of stuffed animals!
In each bag, I put a luggage tag designed by me. On the front of each luggage tag is a picture of a girl and a suit case with wheels on it. In each bag, I put a cuddly stuffed animal and a special note I wrote, letting them know that I love and care about them. My mom helped me type this note:

Dear Friend,
Hi, My name is Mackenzie Snyder. I am nine years old, and I am in third grade. I collect suit cases and duffel bags as an act of kindness for those who are in need of them. God told me that you can use a duffel bag and a cuddly friend so I sent this with love to you. I want you to always know that you are loved, especially by me. And, always remember to be positive, polite and never give up.
Love, your friend, Mackenzie Snyder.

After the bags are stuffed, I call social workers to tell them they can come and pick up the bags to hand out to the foster care kids. I have a lot of support from several big companies, schools, churches, organizations and individuals who have donated money, or sent me bags and stuffed animals. I have even been on the Rosie O’Donelle show! Several thousand bags have been sent out so far, and right now I have five thousand more ready to go, sitting in my den. These bags will go to kids in Maryland, Washington, DC, and Virginia.

I have had a lot of help form a lot of people. But most importantly from my parents and my brothers. My brother Brock came up with the name for my project. He said I should call it "Children to Children" since it was all about kids knowing what other kids want and helping them get it. My brothers have also given me good advice about always sending thank you notes to the people who help me. They told me I had to work hard, call tonnes of people and never give up… and I haven’t.

I know that this is just the beginning. There are 530 000 foster-care kids in the United States. My dream is for all the foster kids in the entire United States to receive a duffel bag and a cuddly friend. I know it can be done if everyone helps out. It is a lot of work, but I never get tired of it. I remember the girl in the movie that I saw. If she had been given one of my duffel bags she would have known that someone out there cared about what happened to her. I don’t want any kid, anywhere, to go through what she or the two boys did. Kid to kid, children to children – that’s what it is all about."
Mackenzie Snyder, 9

If you would like more information about children to children, go to Mackenzie’s website at

Pg 10 Chicken Soup for the Pre-Teen Soul Scholastic Inc.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Hey There,

Hows life flowing?

So just this past week Ive been calling plenty of friends, in order to receive connections and ask for donations! Yeah, I already have 5 committed people who are willing to give desserts, just wait until I call 100 people!

But one of the questions I ask is "do you have any connections to a printing business, because the costs are running high?" in response one lady I talked to said "no, but can I donate $100?"

Flabbergasted, I was unsure of how to respond. Mumbling a barely audible YES! She went on to say she would bring it to my house later. Thanking her a million times, I hung up. So many mixed emotions ran through my brain.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" Then,
"Wow, so much mullah!" Later,
" I can't take that from her!" To,
"I love you!"
I'm unacquainted to donations of large size, and was overwhelmed with gratitude. So again I would just like to say THANK YOU, I LOVE YOU! God bless your soul, and I will NEVER forget your kindness!

I know with certainty we are chancing the world one step at a time!

More info about SHOTS!

So recently I called a travel clinic and asked some questions about the shots I would have to get to go to Mexico. The lady I talked to was so nice, I swear I called her like 20 times each time with a new question from the answer to the last question. Some of the questions I had were:
What kinds of shots do I have to get before going to Mexico? And whats the time table like?
She responded with:

  • Hep A: once 6-8 weeks before, then 6 months later, then we don’t have to renew it until 25 yrs later
  • Malaria: 6-8 weeks before we leave
  • Typhoid: 6-8 weeks before we leave, then we don’t have to renew it until 3 yrs later
  • Rabies
How much do the shots Cost?

She said: the consultation fee ($25) and any were from $150- 250, it depends on which shots the consultant provides. Whew, boy is that a lot of mullah.

What if you have blue cross, is their Coverage for travel shots?

In which she replyed: it depends how much coverage you have … call blue cross.

I called blue cross, in which I had to call the travel clinic back and get all the shots D.I.N. #’s. (don’t ask what that means cuz I have no idea) then call back and forth and get more info. Finally after all that totally unnecessary work, he told me we had 80% coverage on travel vaccines. HIP, HIP, HOORAY! but still … shots

When should I book an appointment?

2 weeks before the 6-8 weeks required to sink in and take affect.

So now, I am preparing for some pretty miserable weeks in July and June. I'm not looking forward to aching arm syndrome.